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About us

IUMTEK, a start-up Cleantech company with an experienced and  multidisciplinary team was jointly created with CEA Investissement, the venture capital subsidiary of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). The company is engaged in a strategic partnership with the CEA Nuclear Energy  Division (DEN). This partnership is illustrated through the granting to IUMTEK exclusive rights of use to certain CEA patents and by an R&D agreement.
After 2 years IncubAlliance program enrollment, IUMTEK has joined Accelair, Air Liquide Group entity dedicated exclusively to deeptech start-up.


The LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) technology is a real-time elementary analysis method. A laser beam is focused onto the surface of a material, regardless of the matter’s state (liquid, solid, gaseous) and without sample preparation. A micro plasma is generated and its light emission is analysed by spectroscopy to obtain the constituent elements composition of the plasma by comparing it to reference samples and thus determine and quantify the trace of major elements contained in the generated plasma.

iumtek offers a LIBS technology analysis instrument, the TX 1000. This instrument analyses solid, liquid and gaseous materials. The TX 1000 instrument is designed to help you in diagnostic projects and/or real-time in-situ analysis. Furthermore, iumtek is also able to provide feasibility studies and analytical services. These services can be integrated into collaborative projects.

The proprietary software Prisma allows you to perform analysis campaigns. An ergonomic, intuitive man-machine interface and an automated information acquisition system ensure safe and easy use of the iumtek analysis instrument.

The plasma is a matter state  in which all the ionic and atomic species are excited. Over time, these species return to an unexcited state by emitting specific light radiations.

Download TX1000 Analyzer datasheet

TX 1000 analyzer

Prisma software under development.

Contact us

iumtek is now at Centre d’entrepreneuriat et d’innovation de l’IOGS (Institut d’Optique Graduate School).
Bâtiment 503, rue du Belvédère 91400 Orsay – France.

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